It will last longer if it is not acid-cleaned too often. It should be scrubbed across the grain with a soft brush, or a 3M scrubbing pad. Using a hard brush, or scrubbing along the grain will take out the softer part of the grain of the teak, resulting in unsightly ridges. Acid cleaners can cause the primer in the seams to break down, leading to water leaking into the seams. If you use acid cleaners in the hot sunshine, you will find that the rubber itself will often become sticky. The oxylic acid should always be used with great care.
Of course, if you use acid regularly on your teak decks, then it will be good for our business, because the teak will need to be repaired or replaced much sooner!
You can tell when the seams start to leak if you wet the decks on a sunny day and watch them dry. Any seams that are trapping the moisture will become obvious - you will see damp patches lingering in the seams.